Friday, 29 April 2011

Weddings and Blankets

Its a lovely day for a white Wedding :) Wishing William and Catherine the best of luck for the future and hope they have a long and happy life together. It would be great to see a popular couple have a marriage that lasts the ups and downs of life, and fingers crossed, doesn't end up like so many these days, in the divorce courts. I'm not the most outwardly expressive of people but I am a true romantic and that's the part that appeals to me in all this.

Its great also to see so many people out and about and smiling. How many large crowds lately have been about protests for this and that. Yes, there are a lot of people 'dissing' the day and the wedding etc, but for those who are looking forward to the day and the youngsters who are experiencing something like this for the first time then its a fabulous memory for all.

I'll be sitting on the sofa, and here comes the crafty bit... knitting, while I watch the wedding, its build up and the proceedings up until the balcony scene.

The blanket mention in the title, is from some of the girls I've been teaching knitting too at school. I was never sure that it would be well received, but I've a small handful who turn up on most sessions and are slowly but surely building up their skills. One of my year 7's brought a blanket in on Wednesday which was completed by herself, her cousin and Nan over the Easter break. So many of the girls have said that they are working with mum's and nan's on the project which in itself is lovely. Its a fabulous blanket done in bright chunky squares, and it will be great for a very big dog!!!

I'm going to switch between working on my blanket for baby Fin next door, my Chunky scarf and if I am bored knitting, I'll do some crochet as I'm going to do a pink, cream and purple blanket for Ellie who is the baby on the other side, next door lol.

Keep smiling xx

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